
The HIP iEEG seizure dataset is available in a dedicated Collaborative Space with restricted access.

HIP iEEG seizure dataset


HIP iEEG seizure data is a curated collection of neuroimaging and iEEG data from 11 patients as of September 28, 2023. This dataset was created by compiling iEEG data from seizure occurrences in patients who underwent phase 2 presurgical investigation using a SEEG approach.

HIP iEEG seizure data consist of:

  1. Seizure data: for each patient, we provide two iEEG files containing seizures. These recordings provide important insights into the neurophysiological characteristics of seizures. There is a third iEEG file without seizures, providings baseline overview of brain activity.

  2. Anatomical Data: for each patient, the database contains essential anatomical data, including pre-implantation T1 imaging and post-implantation CT scans which allow to perform coregistering of SEEG electrodes on MRI.

  3. Implantation Schema: for each patient, we provide a scheme which illustrates the position of all SEEG electrodes in the patient’s brain.

All data files, including event logs and notes commonly associated with iEEG recordings, have been rigorously cleaned of personally identifiable information. Furthermore, imaging data, particularly facial features, have been altered to protect patient identities.

HIP iEEG seizures data offer a unique tool for researchers interested in delving into the emergence and complexities of brain activity during epileptic seizures.


This tutorial dataset is the property of the Lausanne University Hospital (Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois), Switzerland. Its use and transfer outside this HIP tutorial, e.g. for research purposes, is prohibited without written consent. For questions, please contact Carolina Ciumas, MD, PhD.